Nice job out there. Try running some spoons in your trolling pattern, spoon bite is hot now. Nothing like being out on Erie!
Can I put you on the spot and ask you for my benefit and others new to Erie how you are fishing the spoons? Weighted lines, lead or coppers? Using snap on weight? Spoon sizes and colors? We did run a few spoons but only took 2 fish I think. Thanks for your input.
Run spoons right off the back of dipsys . Scorpion spoons are popular. Wonder bread, Blue and silver are a good starting point.
I'll also give you a good place to go on the internet to see what's catching fish. Look up Juls walleye adventures- go to her blog and she details exactly what she runs and her results on an almost day to day basis. She is a great charter captain and she guides out of a 22 ft Vexus so she fishes like most of us do, not like the big charters who run 15 lines off 300 ft spreads. She uses online planners, dipsys and snap weights. There is a wealth of info on her posts.
200hp Tohatsu
9.9hp Tohatsu
72" MK Ulterra Quest 36v
5 Li batteries
MK PCL 460
3 12" graphs- Lowrance Live,Carbon Simrad EVO 3
Simrad is40
Lowrance 3d
Airmar tm165hw
Lowrance 3in1
Lenco 4x12 tabs
Traxstech 72" , Berts 24" tracks
2 Big Jon Capt packs
MK 15' Talon
Lowrance autopilot
The South End provides useful resources and discussion forums for those that fish The South End of Lake Michigan for Salmon, Steelhead, Perch, and Bass as well as elsewhere in the Region and Chicago area.