I had walleye for dinner last night. I get it from the taste standpoint. i don't get walleye from the sportfish angle. Not much sport to the fish other than the challenge of getting the fickle bas-tids to actually bite. But if it's big-azz walleyes you want to catch, head for the eastern basin of Erie with some lead core and copper sets. Here's one I caught last week out of Sunset Bay (east of Dunkirk). Easy fishing since you only need to stay in 70 to 80 feet of water and out of Canada. This was my second trip over there and I've yet to see anything less than 25 inches winched out of the waters. Lakers, steelhead, gaspergoos and white bass abound as well, though all are considered trash fish by the locals. Stick baits are the favorite lure, by far.
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The South End provides useful resources and discussion forums for those that fish The South End of Lake Michigan for Salmon, Steelhead, Perch, and Bass as well as elsewhere in the Region and Chicago area.