Kudo's to the DNR's. Stay on the side of caution. Stick with the stocking cuts until the surveys reveal a substantial rebound in the alewife population. No Huron repeats...
I know a lot of folks are still pissed about the stocking cuts, but lets make sure this year isn't just a fluke.
Balance is key... By balance, I mean in the ecosystem; not balancing the public's opinion on what should be done versus what expertly collected data / analysis and historical trending indicates should be done.
Changing your own oil doesn't make you a mechanic. So when the transmission starts slipping, let the experts do their job.
What is balance?
Anyone fishing for lake trout with all the silver fish? Wisconsin took their laker limit to 5 and the state of Michigan is 3. But the state of Michigan takes almost twice in lakers then the state of Wisconsin.
Lake Huron- Did you know that the state of Michigan is presently stocking more Kings in Lake Huron then they do in Lake Michigan?Huron is crashed right? Did you also know that those Huron Kings are counted as Lake Michigan fish?They return to Huron to spawn. Stomach samples of kings in Huron show that they hardly have any alewife, but have some chubs, smelt and sticklebacks. Not a very good diet for Kings.
Be careful when you talk about balance. Not everyone has the same look at what balance means.
Fishing is good and yes, we are seeing a comeback here. What does the rest o the lake look like? When you shovel snow do you only clean the porch?
There is still alot of work to do. Indiana still has work to do. Bait has been up lake wide for 3 years and now add on to this, this year. with a good alewife spawn will help tons. When was the last good alewife spawn In Indiana waters?
You will know when you have a fishery with true balance when you have a return fishery. If you do not have a return fishery then you do not have balance. Perch is also part of the balance. So yes things are getting better here but do look lake wide when looking for balance, not just where the fish seem to be today. I am very happy to see what I am seeing this year. This is a blessing like you have know idea.The southend of lake Michigan has been a good supplier of alewife. We have in years past been the end with good alewife recruitment. Same as Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron. Better today yes, last year better then the year before? yes! Look lake wide when referring to balance.