I've seen this now on a couple different sites..very disturbing if true, thanks Michigan.
In a truly egregious act of mis-management, it has been confirmed that MDNR Fisheries Chief Jim Dexter has decided to accept an additional 400,000 Federal Lake Trout to be stocked in Michigan waters of Lake Michigan in 2017. The additional 400,000 Lake Trout are the fish that were slated to be stocked by Wisconsin but rejected by Wisconsin fisheries managers in their proposed stocking changes this past fall.
Wisconsin has officially declared an "emergency" status with regards to Lake Trout in Lake Michigan, and is taking "emergency measures" to dramatically reduce Lake Trout stocking and to increase Lake Trout harvest immediately. How can a Lake Trout emergency exist in Wisconsin and not 40 miles away in Michigan, where the majority of Lake Trout are being stocked in Lake Michigan?
As a result, this will keep the Lake Michigan total Federal Lake Trout stocking for 2017 at nearly 3 million fish, with the majority of them now being stocked in Michigan waters. This comes at a time of reported all time low baitfish biomass of bloater, shiner, stickelback, smelt and alewife. It also comes at a time where Michigan refuses to stock anything more than a paltry 330,000 chinook salmon.
Wisconsin had called the US Fish & Wildlife service in the fall of 2016 to "cancel" half of their Lake Trout stocking order (716,000) for 2017, instead favoring to keep chinook stocking numbers at current levels to provide a robust and economically viable fishery for sportsmen and businesses in their state.
As a result of Wisconsin's actions, Jim Dexter has taken it upon himself to punitively act towards Michigan sportsmen and businesses by recklessly forging forward with his Lake Trout restoration agenda despite clearly mandated directives by State Senators and biological data that supports the reduction of ALL predators in Lake Michigan, particularly long living Lake Trout.
As a result of past actions, misleading intentions, false narratives and failure to negotiate in good faith with sportsmen and businesses in the state of Michigan, the Great Lakes Salmon Initiative is formally calling for the resignation and/or termination of Jim Dexter as Fisheries Chief of Michigan effective immediately.
The Great Lakes Salmon Initiative will vigorously pursue the removal of Jim Dexter from his office, and will fight to restore a balanced and diversified sportfishery on Lake Michigan.