I learned long ago it you aren't an East Chicago resident, the chance of anyone of importance at the EC Marina giving anything but lip service to a complaint or suggestion is slim. My guess is they are just about as apt to blow off a resident as they are a guy from Poedunkville. Anyway, if there are any EC residents here, it might help all of us to make a call to the mayor or a city board member and ask about a bit of common sense maintenance at the marina.
It's bad enough they leave the launch piers in most of the winter and then pull them in the spring to see what damage the ice caused. It's bad enough they do little to rebuild them or push them in until the flowers are blooming, leaving the "busy season" boaters with only one pier (and the short one at that) to use. Now they have pulled all the floats (I think from the inside storage dock) and parked it so only one side of the one launch pier is accessible.
If anyone from EC is here, make a couple calls and see if you can light a fire under your elected officials.
Or just pound your head on the wall. Probably get the same result.
Also, now the short dock is missing a board. Found this out when we were launching in the dark and I seen my buddy go down hard on the dock. When I asked if he was okay I noticed his whole leg in the water through the ramp. Brought it up, doubt anything was done. Could of seriously injured someone.
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