Follow up on the previous post on House Bill 1145 introduced by Senator Casperson, which changes items R. 299.771 and R. 299.791 to move L. Trout to commercial status.
What does this bill do? Allows commercial fishermen to harvest L. Trout in lakes Michigan and Superior only. It puts the MDNR as managers of the resource and set limits and quotas. At this time, information from Sen Caspersons office it would be for bycatch not the direct targeting of lake trout. From the MDNR; the state of Michigan is at harvest limits in northern L. Michigan waters based on quotas set in the 2000 Consent Decree language and rehabilitation efforts have not been achieved there is not room for state licensed commercial fishing allotments to harvest additional trout.
What are some of the implications of this bill? Effects on 2020 Consent Decree negotiations. Would this negatively effect negotiations or give the state better fisheries control and get the feds out of the mix? Would the passing of this Bill change some of the discriminatory regulations that currently effect sportsmen, commercial anglers, tribal anglers and effectively put everyone on even footing when it comes to the management of fisheries and consent decree negotiations?
Bill 1145 goes to the floor for a general vote this week and if it passes possibly a final vote. It is important as sportspersons in this state to become actively involved at some level and calling your state representative in favor or against a bill of this nature. The GLSI has been in favor of recouping a more balanced equilibrium in the predator population in order to save our salmon industry.
Listed below are links to the State of Michigan list of Senators that you can call or email to express your wishes for Bill 1145
The South End provides useful resources and discussion forums for those that fish The South End of Lake Michigan for Salmon, Steelhead, Perch, and Bass as well as elsewhere in the Region and Chicago area.